Former Tourism Authority of Thailand Governor Mrs. Phornsiri Manoharn has been conferred a Life Membership Award by the Pacific Asia Travel Association in recognition of her contribution to PATA and the regional tourism industry. Mrs. Phornsiri, who headed the TAT between 2007-2009, formally presented the award at the PATA Annual Summit 2016 in Tumon, Guam.
The summit in Guam, which is one of PATA’s founding members, commemorated PATA’s 65th Anniversary.

From left: Mrs. Juthaporn Rerngronasa, TAT Deputy Governor for International Marketing (Europe, Africa, Middle East and the Americas), Mrs. Phornsiri Manoharn, Former TAT Governor, and Mrs. Pataraporn Sithivanich, TAT Executive Director for the Americas Region.

She becomes the sixth Thai tourism veteran recipient of the award after Lt. Gen. Chalermchai Charuvastr, the former Director General of the Tourist Organization of Thailand, Col. Somchai Hiranyakit, Mr. Dharmnoon Prachuabmoh and Mr. Seree Wangpaichitr who are former TAT governors as well as Mr. Kusa Panyarachun, who is the founder and owner of World Travel Service Ltd.

PATA confers its Lifetime Achievement Membership is “the higest individual honour and recognises significant leadership and invaluable dedication to PATA.”

Mrs. Phornsiri spent her entire working career with the TAT and was closely involved with PATA since 1973, including holding its chairmanship between 2009-2010. She is presently Vice Chairman of N.C.C. Management & Development Co., Ltd. (Queen Sirikit National Convention Center).

In addition to her primary role as Governor of the TAT, Mrs Phornsiri played a major role over the years in building up tourism to the Greater Mekong Subregion and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. She was also closely involved in the organisation of numerous PATA events in Thailand, such as the Annual Summit, PATA Travel Mart and Board meetings.

PATA CEO Mario Hardy said: “We are proud to welcome Mrs Phornsiri to this exclusive club of PATA Life members, all of whom have contributed significantly to raising the Asia-Pacific travel & tourism to its present levels. She is a well-recognised personality in the Asia-Pacific tourism industry and a worthy recipient of the award.”

From left: Mr. Kevin B Murphy, PATA Chairman, Mrs. Phornsiri Manoharn, Former TAT Governor, and Mr. Mario Hardy, PATA CEO

Mrs. Phornsiri said “I would like to pay tribute to the memory of the late Lt. General Chalermchai Charuvastr, who was the first Director of what was then known as the Tourist Organization of Thailand (1960-1976). It was he who first assigned me to attend the 1973 PATA Annual Conference in Tokyo and PATA Workshop in Kyoto. Ever since then, I became deeply involved with PATA activities.”

“I would also like to thank PATA for conferring me a Life Membership. PATA and Thailand have maintained excellent relations over the years, to our mutual benefit, and I am happy to have contributed in a small way to the advancement of regional travel & tourism.”

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