Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB), an agency under the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia (MoTAC) together with 29 industry partners are gearing up for the upcoming annual roadshow to China, in April this year. Targeting meeting planners and incentive agents, MyCEB’s 9th annual roadshow will cover four cities namely Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and into a new city, Shenzhen.

This cornerstone initiative by MyCEB aims to promote Malaysia as a corporate meeting and incentive destination to the outbound Chinese corporate meeting and incentive market; and to identify new business potential for Malaysia. Among the programmes lined up include a business presentation, workshop and a buyer-meet-seller session.

Datuk Zulkefli Hj Sharif, CEO of MyCEB

The mission will be led by Datuk Zulkefli Hj. Sharif, Chief Executive Officer of MyCEB who will be actively pitching about Malaysia and supported by a strong Malaysian delegation comprising of state bureaus, hotels, unique venues, airlines, destination management companies, convention centres, hotels & resorts, venues and AV supplier *(For a full listing of accompanying industry partners, please refer to the list at the end of the press release.)

The annual China Roadshow is expected to help further intensify the Ministry of Tourism, Arts & Culture’s on-going effort to tap into the lucrative China outbound market. This is in line with Visit Malaysia 2020 campaign to attract more business visitors to Malaysia and to showcase the best and latest of Malaysia’s offerings to corporate meeting and incentive groups from China.

Delegates at the Roadshow in Beijing, China

Apart from providing platform on B2B engagements between the participating industry players, MyCEB will be educating buyers on team building options in Malaysia during the roadshow. MyCEB will also be launching the new edition of the highly attractive Malaysia Twin Deal V (MTD V) programme, designed to add more volume to clients and corporate incentive and meeting planners. The V stands for Vibes, demonstrating the vibrancy and ‘colourful’ offerings of the deals and rewards.

MTD V’s objective is to cast a wider net of reward system for corporate meeting and incentive groups and planners through the structure of Deal 1, Deal 2 and the Accumulative Rewards category.

MyCEB was established in 2009 by Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Malaysia to further strengthen Malaysia’s business tourism brand and position for the international business events market. A non-profit organisation, MyCEB serves as a central hub to assist meeting and event planners to bid for and stage international business events in Malaysia and act as a conduit for national product development. MyCEB’s goal is to improve its rankings as an international meetings destination within International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) and to grow business tourism arrivals to Malaysia.

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