Written by: Nir Gisser
TAFI, the Association of travel agents and members of India’s leading tourism industry, has accepted the Ministry of Tourism request to hold the annual conference in Israel. The prestigious conference was held at the International Convention Center – ICC Jerusalem.
More than 600 Indian travel agents made all the way from India to Israel in order to attend the conference which is considered as a main international event of the Ministry of Tourism in recent times. During the conference was held a unique exhibition for exhibitors from Israel. The exhibition gave them the opportunity to be exposed and meet with every one of over the 600 travel agents, and to introduce them Israel as a leading tourist destination

Mira Altman CEO of ICC Jerusalem with Zakkir Ahmed TAFI president

The visitors enjoyed a perfect Indian atmosphere including Indian music and catering, and the ideal conditions that ICC Jerusalem knows how to give.
Some impressions:

Photography: Noam Moskovich

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