The Spanish carrier posted a 90.47% rating in November. Its lowest overall rating since April was a high 88%
The specialist publication FlightStats reports that in November Iberia moved up a notch to sixth place among the world’s airlines in the punctuality rankings, with an overall rating of 90.47%.
Some 97% of Iberia’s domestic flights took off on time in November, whilst the figure for flights to other European destinations was 93%. For long-haul flights Iberia logged a rating of 76%.
November was the eighth consecutive month in which Iberia’s overall punctuality rating remained above 88%.
Punctuality is one of the values most appreciated by Iberia’s customers, and improvements in punctuality are a key aim of the company’s Transformation Plan, under which it has reorganised both its flight schedule and most of its pre-flight procedures.
The airline’s budget Iberia Express unit, specialising in short- and medium-haul flights, posted a punctuality result of 95.36% in November, making it one of Europe’s five most punctual airlines.

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